25 Reasons Why the AV7 Invitation Bible is the most inviting,
word-for-word accurate, easy-to-read presentation of the Bible.
- AV7 invites you to join God's family and discover your ultimate purpose in life.
- AV7 is an accurate word-for-word translation, not an interpretive paraphrase.
- AV7 is easy-to-read in grammatically correct present-day English.
- AV7 translation accuracy is validated by exhaustive documentation.
- AV7 is based on the most trustworthy original language sources.
- AV7 is compiled by word-for-word and phrase-by-phrase translation tables.
- AV7 maintains continuity with the most time-honored English texts.
- AV7 presents "The Most Essential Truth in the Bible" in concise opening pages.
- AV7 replaces obsolete and archaic words and phrases with exact equivalent present-day English.
- AV7 does not omit any words or verses from the most trustworthy original Greek source texts.
- AV7 corrects translation and grammatical errors in previous Bible texts.
- AV7 clarifies confusing pronoun sequences and corrects improper male-biased pronouns.
- AV7 is uncluttered by footnotes, marginal notes, and opinion commentary.
- AV7 incorporates many new features not found in any previous Bible.
- AV7 provides Old Testament cross-references with many verses.
- AV7 connects Old Testament prophecies to New Testament fulfillment.
- AV7 uses reduced-size italics to clearly identify interpolatively added words.
- AV7 uses small "+" flags to clearly identify significant word revisions.
- AV7 documentation includes a 17,342-word AV7 Greek-English concordance.
- AV7 gives you infinite search options in its free online presentation.
- AV7 is freely given and may be freely copied for any non-commercial use.
- AV7 is not "All Rights Reserved" copy restricted.
- AV7 makes daily inspirational reading easy and memorable.
- AV7 is available to download free as a PDF document.
- AV7 is a valuable tool and resource for inviting others to join God's family.