Ed Lowder's Stories

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Age five, and my first day at Kindergarten, is vivid in my memory. My sister Ruth, age eight, took me to the school house and delivered me to the Kindergarten room.   The teacher was Miss Snydon, and before the year was over, we all loved her. But that first day at school was a nightmare in my memory.

A couple of yeaers later, in the second grade, some of us boys were becoming adept in the art of making life miserable for our fellow students.

On one occasion, Rolla Spencer and I took a couple of live mice to school and turned them loose in Lola Daggetts desk.   When school took up, and Lola raised the top of the desk to gbet her books, the mice came bounding out and bedlam prevailed.

Miss Snydon even got up on a chair and hollered.   The janitor came and put an end to the mouse adventure.

That was the first and last time we took mice to school.

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