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25 reasons for AV7  
25 Reasons why the AV7 Invitation Bible is the most inviting,
easy-to-read, word-for-word accurate presentation of the Bible in English.

(Please note, the following is a preliminary draft:)

  1. AV7  prominently features a Cordial Invitation to join God's family.
  2. AV7  is a word-for-word literal accurate translation, not a paraphrase.
  3. AV7  free access (not All Rights Reserved proprietary)
  4. AV7  free .pdf download (freely given)
  5. AV7  focuses on the Most Essential Truth in the Bible.
  6. AV7  Makes it easy to read the Bible from the inside out.
  7. AV7  simplicity
  8. AV7  versatility
  9. AV7  search by bcv, by word, and by infinite combinations
  10. AV7  distinguish literal words from interpolative words
  11. AV7  continuity with time validated truth/translation
  12. AV7  significant word variants + flagged
  13. AV7  archaic words and phrases updated
  14. AV7  gender inclusive audience
  15. AV7  (see comparison chart attributes)
  16. AV7  no dynamic-equivalence paraphrasing
  17. AV7  no interpretive commentary
  18. AV7  no footnotes or
  19. AV7  OT anchor text links inline
  20. AV7  exhaustive documentation validated (AVC)
  21. AV7  no doctrinal distinctive extrapolations
  22. AV7  no verse or key word omissions

Please scroll down to read further information explaining each reason listed above.

Additional information will be added here very shortly.

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