25 Reasons why the AV7 Invitation Bible is the most inviting,
easy-to-read, word-for-word accurate presentation of the Bible in English.
(Please note, the following is a preliminary draft:)
- AV7 prominently features a Cordial Invitation to join God's family.
- AV7 is a word-for-word literal accurate translation, not a paraphrase.
- AV7 free access (not All Rights Reserved proprietary)
- AV7 free .pdf download (freely given)
- AV7 focuses on the Most Essential Truth in the Bible.
- AV7 Makes it easy to read the Bible from the inside out.
- AV7 simplicity
- AV7 versatility
- AV7 search by bcv, by word, and by infinite combinations
- AV7 distinguish literal words from interpolative words
- AV7 continuity with time validated truth/translation
- AV7 significant word variants + flagged
- AV7 archaic words and phrases updated
- AV7 gender inclusive audience
- AV7 (see comparison chart attributes)
- AV7 no dynamic-equivalence paraphrasing
- AV7 no interpretive commentary
- AV7 no footnotes or
- AV7 OT anchor text links inline
- AV7 exhaustive documentation validated (AVC)
- AV7 no doctrinal distinctive extrapolations
- AV7 no verse or key word omissions
Please scroll down to read further information explaining each reason listed above.
Additional information will be added here very shortly.